FAQ – Frequently asked questions
Here you can find the most important answers around barrieren-fasting. If you have any further questions please write a mail to annika@barrieren-fasten.de.
What are the cost of participating in Barrier-fasting?
It's free
Participating in Barrier-fasting is free during lent 2023. A contribution via the Paypal-Button is apprechiated.
As the year progresses there will be the possibility to book the course for payment. An analysis of your website is included, if necessary, to adapt the course to your specific needs.
At what point can I register for the course?
You can register soon, latest planned date is to register via this website.
We explicity recommend the daily tasks from the beginning! Later participation at Barrier-fasting is still possible 1-2 weeks after start date, as most of the fasting tasks lead independently of each other to real improvements. fasting content which builds on earlier content will be marked as such.
What's the rush to start 2023? EAA does not come into effect until 2025!
To be already done in 2025!
It's correct that the EAA – the European Accessibility Act – will not come into effect until 2025. Of course you can still decide to act then, when it's implementation is mandatory to all businesses in Europe that do not match the definition as "SME with less than 10 employees or less than 2 million € sales volume". Or some years down the line, when all businesses have to implement it.
Ask yourself theses questions:
- Are you or your developers ready to change your site in 2025 straight away to an accessible one?
- Will I find experts in 2025 that will help me to train myself or my developers?
- Am I ready to risk a written warning if my website does not meet the accessibility standards?
- Am I willing to risk that another business in competition with myself will take market shares away because their website is easier to use?
If the answer to any of these questions is "No", you should start right now.
Not to mention that the code which is going to be changed during the courseBarrier-fasting could also have a positive impact to your performance, SEO or other aspects such as sustainability. Those are however different and unique categories of web development and not our first aim inBarrier-fasting.
Why is my website not accessible?
These are the reasons:
Technical reasons
- Browser tolerate plenty of errors. They have been developed at different speeds over the last years, not always implementing needed standards.
- To counter this many tools are available that make web development easier and should correct any faulty interpretations. Many are no longer needed, but are still widely used.
- Being compatible with devices and browsers was more important than adapting to the human needs.
This made accessibility fall by the wayside more often than not.
Most of the time, using "simply" clean HTML-code and well placedCSS-code will improve significantly the results.
Human reasons
- Ableism and lacking political and economical willingness to implement more inclusion are the most obvious societal reasons.
- Additionally, many previous Diploma degree courses have been changed to Bachelor degree courses, at the same time adding a multitude of implementation technologies without early specialisation.
- Soon the basics of semantic HTML-structures and best practice methods were no longer taught. Instead the application of frameworks became the main focus.
- Brand design and marketing attached mainly importance to the website looking good on different devices.
- Designer are still bemoaning the loss of format control due to responsive web implementation since 2010.
Will my website be 100 % accessible by the end of the course?
100 % accessibility can't be achieved. Some use the term low barrier instead of accessible websites. Others prefer to use "inclusive websites".
Accessibility is a comprehensive task not only including the use of accessible code, but also design and structure, as well as content – texts, pictures, audio and video, PDF, forms and spreadsheets – need to follow certain rules. Immediate implementation of all these factors is near impossible.
Barrier-fasting's theme is "Simply start!" Just changing a little bit of website code on a daily basis will help you overcome the first hurdles of becoming an accessible website in mere six weeks.
Can I apply the course to all technology?
The basic requirement is a HTML based website which can be code managed by you, your team or yur web developer, with direct access to the code.
This is very dependent on the used technology as well as the used content management system (CMS) or framework.
Own Wordpress theme
If your site uses your own Wordpress theme, all changes can be made by the developers directly in the sourcecode.
Bought Wordpress theme
If your site uses a bought theme changes in the sourcecode can be done for example with the help of child themes.
Plugin usage
No Wordpress site can be run completely free of additional plugins. Those are often not yet available in an accessible form. if they are, they are usually developed mainly for the US market, making them often incompatible with the German/European Law for Data Storage and Usage(DSGVO).
Some plugins can be adapted (or be adapted for you), but not all of them. Sometimes adaptations might not be the way to go, as they might lead to problems with the next update.
If you work on your website without the help of developers or utilize no code plugins, e.g. Elementor, then a participation in this course is not possible.
Angular and React – with or without design framework
Please ask your developers in how far participation at Barrier-fasting might be possible. Some of these tools are implementing accessibility code in the near future. Your project should then be able to change to it as well.
What are the changes to my site with Barrier-fasting?
HTML and CSS code
Barrier-fasting is based on the assumption that you (or your developers) change a line or unit in HTML or CSS code or the structure of a specific element on a daily basis.
Possibly there are some JavaScript or JQuery-Functions that will be obsolete after doing so.
How many changes are there going to be?
Barrier-fasting starts on Ash Wednesday and will continue until Maundy Thursday. That timeframe consists of 32 workdays. Each day, a new change will be on the Barrier-fasting website. It is however possible that some changes do not have to be implemented on your website because your website is already optimized for it.
Can I get all the change options at the same time?
Not yet.
Barrieren-fasting is starting for the first time in 2023 and the free version only consists of the change options being hosted at the same address, staying online for 24 hours.
Will my site have to "look" accessible?
Many of the changes we implement in the course of Barrier-fasting are "under the hood". But that's exactly the point, to imagine the non visible part of a website as well and to treat it as if it was the visible part for all users that do not need accessibility.
The look of your site can still be the same as you are used to it but only if you look at it with the fitting settings. If your site uses black font on white blackground and your text is using approximately 16 px fontsize:
- Light-mode in operating system
- Medium fontsize in browser
If you use gray font on white background, you add additionally:
- Low contrast (not available on all devices)
If users are using different settings, you should interpret them as their preference of view and adapt your website to their preferences.
Fontsize should be reactive to settings and your website should look well and, most importantly, work well with very small and very big font settings alike.
Big fontsizes bring the problem of text being cut off for the user. You can learn how to circumvent this problem in Barrier-fasting. -
Low contrast settings should reduce the colour of the font in light and dark mode to less contrast towards the background colour. You can also change both colours to closer values. Higher contrast settings should utilize the maximum contrast levels (being black and white).
If some rules are followed all you need for this is some lines of CSS code, that you will get to know duringBarrier-fasting. - If animations are utilized on your website they should only play if users explicitely allow them in their settings. If the setting "less movement" is activated you should respect the user's wish and not play them. Generally it is a good idea to implement animations, videos and audio in a way so users can stop them easily.
This sounds probably all more restrictive than it really is. You still can use the webdesign that represents your unique corporate design. You or your designers should simply elevate your corporate design to include different looks in different modi.
What barriers are removed by Barrier-fasting?
A number of small ones.
Accessibility is provided by many parts that need to work together to remove barriers. Some can easily be assigned to help users with certain conditions or disabilities, others can not. Einige davon lassen sich einzelnen Einschränkungen zuordnen, andere nicht direkt. Beim Barrieren-fasten steht eine generelle Zugänglichkeit von Inhalten und Usability im Vordergrund, nicht die Anpassung an einzelne Behinderungen. Assistive Technologie hilft im Leben irgendwann uns allen.
- Correct translation of text, if translation tools offer the needed language.
- Easy orientation to see if the loaded page is the one that the user wanted to visit.
- General scalability of the website.
- Scalability of font sizes.
- Easy visibility of navigational focus.
- Navigation options for keyboard, hands and mouse.
- Adjustment to colour settings of users.
Along the way the changes might also lead to better results in the following aspects:
- Responsiveness (Adjustment to different sizes of screens.
- Performance (Loading times)
- SEO (Search engine optimization)
- Sustainability (programming with better use of resources)
For whom will the website be easier to access?
Nearly everybody.
Much of it depends on what your sourcecode is and what exactly has been adapted. Even after implementing all changes, there is still a chance that your website includes further code that is not accessible.
I would love to guarantee you that you will be able to reach N% more users than before, but so far there is no data available to quote on how many people exactly will profit from these measures. But even if it's only a few additional people that will be able to use your website in a (better) way afterwards,it will already be a gain for you:
- if you suffer from migraines – because there's a dark mode available.
- if you need a smaller or bigger font size – because your font on the website will automatically adapt to settings.
- if you use a keyboard for navigation – because your website will show which link is currently activated.
Some people need a huge font size, others need a very small one. Some of these people prefer light mode because it's easier for them to read dark figures on light background. Others will prefer dark mode, because this will not cause them to suffer from a migraine.
Barrier-fasting does unfortunately not include content creation in easy language or sign language, so people with cognitive restrictions and signing people will directly benefit of it. However, in the first week already you can learn what to pay attention to when you integrate easy language and sign language in your site.
Do I need an accessibility statement?
It depends.
As of January 2023 only official offices need an accessibility statement. It includes what barriers have been removed and what is still there. Additionally, users need a way to report feedback on still existing barriers they might have found and to be able to contact the federal arbitration body.
It can still be profitable to get an accessibility statement once your site is fundamentally accessible, as these sites are also indexed by search engines!
Disclaimer: this is no legal advice! There still might be cases that makes it mandatory for you to have one, even if it does not seem likely. Please get legal counsel if in doubt.
What kind of liability does Annika Brinkmann offer for the changed code?
none whatsoever.
It is up to you and your team to test the changes and, if needed, keep code you need for your scripts to run.Barrier-fasting does not offer to look over your code beforehand, therefore it is impossible to guarantee any outcomes.
Please use common methods as staging and repositories to make test before going live and to be able to return to a previous version of your site.
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