Accessibility features

Testimonials – Stimmen zum Barrieren-fasten


The picture of Christina is missing. All see the alt tag!

Dear Annika,

first of all thank you very much for your exciting impulses! Through your input in the context of the barrier fasting I got for the first time an idea of what accessibility means and why this topic is so important.

This morning, no content was visible to me in the middle section on the Barriers Fasting website. I took it upon myself to write to you later… in the afternoon it worked after all and I could look at the content.

Why I'm telling you this anyway? It was an exciting experience for me, which also reiterates my most important learning so far (the importance of barrier-free websites) from the barrier-fasting: so this is how it feels when I want to access information online, but it's not accessible to me.

Thank you very much for many "aha"-experiences and best regards

Christina, via Email, April 2023

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